Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Monday, December 26, 2016
Friday, December 23, 2016
6,257 Followers and 43,595 Pins
Have uploaded to my account not only today Pins but also those that I had scheduled for this next Saturday because am not going to work this weekend, am still in shock cause there has been years since the last time that I have two free days in a row, will going to spend these days with my girls and why not playing a couple of video games offline, recently have downloaded my digital copy of Lost Odyssey for free, the game is kinda big cause it took more than 16 GB of the HDD of the Xbox 360.
Am not a big fan of the RPG titles even when I do have a
couple of these in my collection being my favorite one without a doubt the classic Final Fantasy VIII of the PS1, dunno if it's only me but they are quite similar in some aspects like the characters, the music, the gameplay that I love which consist in attacking by turns, am currently at the part when the group reach Queen Ming already know that still have a lot of work to do but it feels good that already have beaten two of the mini bosses of this game, am feeling this god cause has been years since the last time that I played a game from this genre.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
6,215 Followers and 43,386 Pins
The year is almost ending and I'm pretty sure that am not gonna get back the 6,400 followers well at least not before we reach the 2017, the only good thing about this is that getting some new followers, the draw that am using for this post is quite hilarious cause it is practically my life this 2016, can't be worst but am still here trying to finish the year.
Got the idea that 2017 will be if not the worst of all the years that I have ever lived it will be a bad one, Trump will be in charge of the US and the president of my country is a asshole just like him, am expecting a ridiculous raise in the taxes, services and all that shit that we used to pay to maintain his life quality, so I can only say that both of them can go to Hell.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
6,126 Followers and 43,122 Pins
Totally forgot to update my status yesterday where being honest I don't
remember what was I doing, maybe was reading Comics or some Doujins,
playing at the 3DS or at the 360 cause have purchased two more titles
these past days and am still trying to finish the one for the Microsoft
company or maybe because I was seeing p0rn or h3ntai
guess that it has to be this last one cause recently have found some
pretty good series anyway it appears that I haven't lost any Followers
at contrary gain a couple more of them which is always good but still
need to wait and see what will happen when I reach again the 6,400, am
not joking when I say that have reached this quantity at least five
times and all these times the amount decreases at least to 6,100.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Saturday, December 10, 2016
6,122 Followers and 43,002 Pins
As promised and before I leave the office have checked again my account
and am saying again because this morning have pinned some stuff, yes
Pinterest can be some addictive and can't deny that I visit this page
everyday anyway right now I have 6,122 Followers which means that have
earned some more of these again about the quantity of the Pins well
haven't lost these in a while but I've received two or three
notifications were the page says that the material is inadequate for
some people and that without a warning they deleted it, don't give a
crap cause they have their rules and one way or another have to follow
Friday, December 9, 2016
Why ?, just wondering WHY ???
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Do you like Rosanna Arkle's melon ?, cause I do xD |
Have lost another 30 followers in less than a single day, where I can only take this situation as a mere joke cause seriously don't know what the fuck is happening with that page and definitely I will not going to earn or won anything just by thinking or trying to solve this situation, even when it's not the big deal and that they are not paying me cause I do this just by pure fun I do want to achieve a couple of things like some amount of followers, it's kinda curious cause at this blog I don't have a single follower neither a damn comment has been posted since stared here...
... what am going to do is to post every single day just to see the progress/quantity of followers that currently have, right now I do own at my profile 42,911 Pins and for what it seems it will be impossible to reach the 45,000 by the end of this year
... what am going to do is to post every single day just to see the progress/quantity of followers that currently have, right now I do own at my profile 42,911 Pins and for what it seems it will be impossible to reach the 45,000 by the end of this year
Thursday, December 8, 2016
What the hell ...
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Rosalina's render by the talented artist Urbanator (Fuck you Luigi xD) |
Can't believe that we are already in December, this fucking year went so fast anyway the only reason why am here is that again Pinterest is fucking me, these past days I almost reached the 6,500 Followers but this morning when I as usual started to Pin my stuff noticed that the amount of followers has decreased to 6,086 have lost more people than before and really don't know what the heck is happening, the only good thing is that they are not deleting my stuff, at this moment have 42,871 Pins and 93 Boards, will have to wait and see what happens at this month.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Pinterest achivement unlocked, lol
It took me a while but yesterday was finally able to reach the 6,400 Followers at my Pinterest account now I just need to wait and see if this amount won't decrease cause there has been times when I reach a certain amount of followers and the next day this amount decreases a lot, really don't know if they delete in a massive way a lot of accounts but it happens.
Right now I own 92 Boards with 42,394 Pins and have 6,412 Followers and even when I also tried to reach the 100 boards this year it seems that will be impossible, I don't pin that much stuff but I do pin six days a week, practically got a system that it works pretty cool, more than forty thousand of Pins is a pretty good amount.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Another achivement unlocked
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Let it go, Let it go xD |
It took me a while but today finally managed to get the amount of 40,017 Pins at my Pinterest account unfortunately what am unable to reach is the 7,000 followers, in fact don't know if am cursed or what cause from a couple of months ago am unable to reach even the 6,4000 of them, every time that the amount almost reach this quantity without an explanation I lose some followers, this situation has been happening so often that sometimes got the idea that it's a problem with the page, right now have 6,345 persons following me so let's see how many can I get in at least two more months, but first hope that can be alive for that date.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Achivement Unlocked
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No special reason to put this image here but Samus is my favorite female character from the videogames universe. |
Already know that is not the big deal but have already obtained, reached or completed a resolution that I made my self at the beginning of this year, since I purchased by X-Box 360 never cared that much about the achievements points or the gamescore that have at my account because I can't purchase anything with them, as I see it the only reason of them is to boast or to let everybody that you play a lot but for some stupid reason decided that needed to reach the 10,000 points and yesterday finally managed to reach this quantity, obtained my goal playing some titles that I promised myself that will never gonna play again two of the three games were already part of my collection am talking about Resident Evil 5 and Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds the third was DmC: Devil May Cry which purchased recently when it was at a special price, yes three Capcom games, this company was my favorite one when I was younger but is not a doubt that still part of me has some kind of weird respect for them.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Glory day!!
Didn't expect to be here so soon, I mean it was less than a week that came to the blog but today is an special day because today after pinned all my daily stuff discovered that have reached the 6,000 followers maybe it is not a big deal for a lot of people but for someone that doesn't love social media it is a good achievement, my status at this moment is the following one...
79 Boards
34612 Pins
1 Following
34612 Pins
1 Following
... now just need to see how much can I maintain this quantity of followers, sometimes some of them unstop following me without a reason and really dunno why cause when somebody leaves me a comment I always like to reply even when it is a bad one but of course the main idea is to have even more followers and for that need to continue pinning.
Friday, June 3, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Need money ...
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Fucking Thor is a totally troll xD |
Decided to came to the blog today cause got nothing better to do today, well in fact I do have a lot of work to do at the office but that doesn't necessarily means that am going to do it anyway is almost Friday and really can't wait to the end of the week, no am not gonna do anything special but that day they are gonna pay my salary, kinda broke right now so really need the money to pay a couple of bills also because I really want to eat a cheeseburger yeah I'm that fucked up that don't even have money to purchase one.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Another one that bite the dust ...
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No, she is not part of this game but I do love her. |
This past 2 of April unlocked the following ten: The bigger they are..., You and what army?, Flyswatter, Vengeance is mine, Tank me later, Hazmat, There's no David, Master caster, Pesky carts, Bookworm, at April 6 unlocked Arsenal, the day ten unlocked Untouchable, Heads up!, Brute, Wingmen, at April 11 unlocked Fore!, the next day unlocked The whole crew and Bow, the 14th unlocked Gotta learn, Clean hands at the fifteen the achievement Ironhide, the sixteen unlocked Invincible, Crazy witch, Extreme rafting, Pool party, Swimming instructor.
The 17 purchased the Jungle Hunt DLC and obtained three more, Bad omen, The remedy, Deconstruction and a couple of days later at the 24th unlocked Gold medalist, It's over 9,000!!!, Legendary Hero so right now got a total of 33, am working really hard to obtain the 34 so maybe gonna unlock it this next month but the last one it will have to wait at least until June cause this one can only be obtained playing online and my live membership just expired two days ago, don't gonna renew it because of two reasons being the first one that there will be no good games to download for free this month and the second one is the most important, because am practically broke, need to pay a lot of things and playing online definitely is not my primary goal.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
The good things tend to end more quickly!!
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Take that bitch!! |
Vacations are over were I can only say that they went so damn fast, still have a couple of more free days that I can use whenever I want so guess that am gonna take them when I really need them, dunno maybe for a special occasion or when I really don't want to go to the office, spend my free days practically doing nothing, really needed that free time for playing and most of all to forget everything related to work.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Vacations here I come !!!
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Need the name of this beauty please. |
Vacations are almost here and even when I don't usually travel those days cause really love to do nothing really need to take some days off from all the stress that being working at the office caused me, yeah totally admit that there are a couple of days when I practically don't do nothing, like today for example, this is supposed to be a religious day here at my country but there are still a couple of jerks that don't believe in anything and make us come to the office just to be sit in front of the damn computer for 8 hours which is my case, tomorrow is still one of those religious days but at least we'll have to come four hours instead of eight.
Haven't been here in a while and not only because of all my multiple hobbies, in fact have been watching a lot of Anime also some wrestling DVD's and don't forget my main hobby, being on Pinterest where I have to say that finally have reached the five thousand followers (actually they are 5,140 but that's beside the point) now I can finally take a rest and what a better way to do it that being at home playing some retro video games with my two daughters, have purchased three Game Boy that never played before so am gonna give them a try and hope to finish them before my return.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Me posting in Valentine's Day, oh crap!!
First of all don't get the wrong idea am posting today February the 14th not because it's Valentine's Day, I am posting this particular day for two simple reasons, being the first one that I had to work this Sunday, didn't wanted to but I need the extra money for some unexpected payments that need to cover and secondly because today I have finally reached the 30,000 Pins at my Pinterest account, it took me more than a year but I have finally reached one of my goals, a silly one if you think that you have spent some days doing this but since I only spent like 30 minutes per day at this awesome page it's not a big deal, well at least for me and I guess that my followers got if not the same idea a similar one, why ?
Well it's kinda simple, at this moment I got 4,621 followers and I really expect to reach the 5,000 by the end of this year, really want to believe that but honestly want to reach that number if not by June at least at the end of that month, so if you think clearly I am not the only one addicted to this page also dunno why but it feels great to know that somebody appreciates, like and have the same tastes for those things that I enjoy, might now like Facebook or Twitter like almost everyone but I do love followers.
explained the situation gonna continue uploading some covers from the latest comics that have read lately even when I don't have much free time as I wanted to do this don't want to completely forgot them, there are some good numbers that will gonna recommend in some future posts, the bad ones well dunno know if they deserve my time but honestly it's not a rule that everybody has to love/like the same things that I but that's will be material for another post also need to see some episodes of three Animes that am currently following, don't need to explain again that I love this kinda of art, first will start with the episode number 10 of One-Punch Man yeah I know it is from past year but my best friend insisted that much that I decided to give it a try.
The other one is Heavy Object episode 17th there is no much Plot here but I do enjoy it a lot, don't gonna leave any kind of spoilers but this one is a good one to see, started this past 2015 and it's currently at the episode eighteen of it's second season, the last one that am gonna enjoy is the episode two of Dagashi Kashi nobody told me about this but gonna give it a try just because of her busty protagonist hoping that I can see in a future a beach/pool episode.
Well it's kinda simple, at this moment I got 4,621 followers and I really expect to reach the 5,000 by the end of this year, really want to believe that but honestly want to reach that number if not by June at least at the end of that month, so if you think clearly I am not the only one addicted to this page also dunno why but it feels great to know that somebody appreciates, like and have the same tastes for those things that I enjoy, might now like Facebook or Twitter like almost everyone but I do love followers.
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Atago from the Anime Kantai Collection |
The other one is Heavy Object episode 17th there is no much Plot here but I do enjoy it a lot, don't gonna leave any kind of spoilers but this one is a good one to see, started this past 2015 and it's currently at the episode eighteen of it's second season, the last one that am gonna enjoy is the episode two of Dagashi Kashi nobody told me about this but gonna give it a try just because of her busty protagonist hoping that I can see in a future a beach/pool episode.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
Kicking and being kicked online
Am back again, took me a couple of days this time cause really have a lot of things to post in fact sometimes I got the idea of what am going to talk or write but for one thing or for another one totally forgot about it and avoid being here, recently have renewed my Xbox Live Subscription and only because it cost me less than five bucks so have spent some afternoons and all my weekends playing Street Fighter, but am not talking about the fifth release of this game neither the fourth one but before I continue have to admit that always have been a Capcom fan and even when at this time I call the company Crapcom for all the shitty games that they have lately released still like to play their titles, no offense of course but this is my personal opinion.
Street Fighter IV and all his ports are good enough to be played but there is no fucking way that am going to pay again for a version 2, version 3 or version 4 of this game when being honest if they wanted they can released all in one disc, I own the v1.0 of this one but don't play with it that much, the game that was playing and am talking about is Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition, used to play this one offline so decided to give it a try and play it online and man I have my ass being kicked so many times but somehow I managed to reach level 7, never cared about the levels until this past days and it does feel so good when you beat someone with a higher level than yours, this one has become my second favorite because no one can beats Street Fighter Alpha 2, played this one at the arcades for hours without being bored and with just one coin cause at the place I used to go used to be a lot of challengers also and because of this one is that I decided to work and save the money just to purchase an SNES and the cartridge, damn those where the best days of my life.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
A Happy New Year one day later
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This one will definitely gonna be pinned at my Pinterest account too. |
First of all some titles for my Xbox 360, not in an particular order, actually I just copied and pasted the list from my post at the VG Collect Forum * Deadpool * Splatterhouse * Dante's Inferno * Silent Hill: Downpour * The King of Fighters XIII * BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger * Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition also if I can get my hands in a second controller for the console it would be excellent even when I don't have nobody to play with it, a wireless one would be excellent even when I do prefer them with the cord (am old school) and definitely will gonna get an Xbox One with the following titles: * Gears of War: Ultimate Edition * Gears of War 4 * Dead or Alive 5 Last Round also and for sure a Japanese copy of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
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