Really can't believe that 10th years already passed since
Eddie's Guerrero have passed away, it's kinda hard to forget those funny I Lie, I Cheat and I Steal moments, for all of us that are kinda old and were able to saw his beginnings as a wrestler it is almost impossible to forget how good he was on the ring, the passion that he always had at every one of his matches, don't remember where but I heard that if you decide or choose to work in something that you really like you can't say that you are working because they will will be paying you for something that you love to do, that is one the best ways that I can describe Eddie's career.
People still remember him and that's one of the best things that can ever happen to anybody, you will never die if you are in the minds and hearts of other people, not gonna lie when I say that totally miss him, he was taken to young actually I can say that he was taken away from this world at the best moment of his career, God know why he decided to took him but, maybe he wants to have him kicking the butts of some angels or it was because he was funny has hell, being the way it was can only say that the WWE is not the same without him.