Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Friday, February 16, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Monday, February 12, 2018
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Friday, February 9, 2018
12,861 Followers and 29,177 Pins
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Alexis Rodriguez |
It's kinda rare that today I didn't received a notification by email, am practically counting the days just to know when the hell Pinterest will decide to close my account, am saying close because I can't really believe that they delete all my stuff, tons fo people have re-pined my stuff so they aren't deleted the content, had the stupid idea that they only disable my account anyway let's see how many days can survive, meanwhile I'll continue uploading my stuff as every day.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
12,864 Followers and 29,077 Pins
Today have received another email where again they told me that another of my Pins was deleted, didn't managed to know which one was because as before they inmediately removed the access to it but the worst part is not only that this has been my third notification with the title We may suspend your Pinterest account this time I also lost 17 Followers, this is the first time since I created this account that something like this happen also they leaved clear with the following message that it was my last chance to remove any sexually explicit or pornographic Pins from all my Boards:
Being honest I don't have anything like that, that kind of content can be seen only here so am pretty sure that today it will be the last day of my account, has been a hell of a raid and as I said before am very happy with the results and the support of all my followers, those who reported my Pins as bad cango to hell with a big dildo on their black holes.
If we have to remove another one of your Pins, we'll suspend your Pinterest account.
Being honest I don't have anything like that, that kind of content can be seen only here so am pretty sure that today it will be the last day of my account, has been a hell of a raid and as I said before am very happy with the results and the support of all my followers, those who reported my Pins as bad cango to hell with a big dildo on their black holes.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
12,881 Followers and 28,980 Pins
Today at 01:02 PM have received a second notification from Pinterest where as before they told me that another of my Pins (in this ocassion an image related to videogames) has been deleted from one of my boards, haven't managed to get the picture but is pretty obvious that I'll have just one more warning before they decide to delete my entire profile, has been a pleasure and with a lot of satisfaction have to say that really enjoyed the raid.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
12,859 Followers and 28,880 Pins
It seems that I will need to learn how to live with fear of the emails from Pinterest, I know is not that bad but everytime that I receive an email or notification from this page the first thing that I do is log in into my account just to verify that it is working, can live with the fact that sometimes they delete some Pins damn I even can live with the idea that they can delete an entire Board which by the way is always limited by 500 Pins, not by Pinterest, this is the limit that have established for all my boards so let's see what happen the next days.
Monday, February 5, 2018
12,826 Followers and 28,780 Pins
Will start to post my stats per day cause am pretty sure that my profile is living it latest days, really don't believe that it can survive not only this month but this week, used to do this in the past just to know how many people were following me each day so today decided to do the same, hope that at least I can reach the 13,000 Followers even if not am very happy with I have achieved.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
12,755 Followers and 28,680 Pins
Just like tha lady at the image am about to be fucked so hard, why am saying this ?, well because this past first of Febreuary received another notification by email where they not only said that once again another or my Pins (a Gif) was deleted because it went against their policies on sexually explicit or pornographic images, this time I wasn't able to see which was but the worst part is that they also leaved the following message:
We may suspend your Pinterest account
It's clear as water that my Pinterest account will not gonna end this year but am happy enough to said that in a year managed to get even more followers and shared more stuff that in my last account, speaking of which have to say that already have created a new account, yes, am already prepared so as soon as I receive the notification will continue my path with new content and followers.
It's clear as water that my Pinterest account will not gonna end this year but am happy enough to said that in a year managed to get even more followers and shared more stuff that in my last account, speaking of which have to say that already have created a new account, yes, am already prepared so as soon as I receive the notification will continue my path with new content and followers.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
11,866 Followers and 27,478 Pins
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Cassidy Klein |
Managed to get an excellent ammount of followers this week, am not talking about hundreds am talking about 1,476 more which is an excellent number and this is not the only good new cause I haven't received another notification or warning by email from Pinterest, what I do need to prepare is a new account just in case the current one is deleted, these bastards doesn't allow me to backup anything, they just simply delete all the content when they want anyway is not that I need my stuff already got local backups this and the fact that still have tons of stuff that haven't uploaded yet but don't want to upload everything in one day, am not that obsessed with it.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
10,390 Followers and 26,849 Pins
Managed to get more than 10,000 Followers ammount that believe it or not never expected to be able to reach so many but not everything is good news, in fact this past January 9 they deleted my recent Boards Animated Anime Gifs v8.0 were more than 200 pins were completely deleted.
The worst thing came three days later because at January 12 I received another notification by email telling me that one Gif was deleted, minutes later received another notification were they now told me that my Board Animated Anime Gifs v4.0 was removed, a complete one that contained 500 Pins and seconds later received a third email with the same warning and yeah the mothafuckas deleted another board, am talking about my Animated Anime Gifs v3.0 so am pretty sure that my profile is living it's last days and I might gonna have to start again from zero.
The worst thing came three days later because at January 12 I received another notification by email telling me that one Gif was deleted, minutes later received another notification were they now told me that my Board Animated Anime Gifs v4.0 was removed, a complete one that contained 500 Pins and seconds later received a third email with the same warning and yeah the mothafuckas deleted another board, am talking about my Animated Anime Gifs v3.0 so am pretty sure that my profile is living it's last days and I might gonna have to start again from zero.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
9,113 Followers and 26,225 Pins
Gonna start off on the right foot this year 2018 not only because I reached the ammount of Followers that I was looking for also because this week gained 1373 more, now I got more than 9,000 and am pretty sure that this month am gonna reach the 10,000, an ammount that never expected, even when I have to say that also have some kind of feat that Pinterest might gonna delete one moment or another my account, guess that need to create my fourth account and be already prepared for the worst that can happen.
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